AIA Canada releases comprehensive guide of financial support and programs

by | Jul 24, 2020 | 0 comments

In AIA Canada’s latest guide, National & Provincial Programs, Grants and Incentives: A Guide for Automotive Aftermarket Industry Learners, Workers & Employers contains comprehensive information on regional and federal financial supports and programs that are available.

Nearly 390,000 Canadians are employed across the aftermarket service and supply chain, from parts manufacturers to your local repair and maintenance shop. The demand for skilled labour grows every year, in particular, for trade professionals who can work on the next generation of vehicles that are equipped with digital systems.

The Automotive Industries Association (AIA) of Canada advocates to both provincial and federal governments on matters related to the industry’s workforce training and development in order to raise awareness among government about the industry’s changing workforce needs resulting from advanced vehicle technology.

Information in the guide is intended for:

  • people considering trades training;
  • those already in trades training or who have completed trades training; and,
  • businesses and employers.

This guide is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to enter the aftermarket as a skilled trades person, for those wanting to upgrade their training, and for employers who want to keep their workforce up-to-date and ready to face the challenges of tomorrow.

These resources are broken down by those offered by the federal, provincial or territorial governments. You can download the complete set or just the ones you need by following the links below.
Copies can be Download at these links:

Complete GuideComplete GuideEN

Provincial initiatives

AlbertaEN British ColumbiaENManitobaENNew BrunswickENNewfoundland and LabradorENNorth West TerritoriesENNova ScotiaENNunavutENOntarioENPrince Edward IslandENQuebecFRSaskatchewanENYukonEN


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