Aftermarket scan tool verification protocol will curb theft

by | Mar 21, 2024 | 1 comment

A new protocol for ensuring only qualified and credentialed automotive service professionals can access vehicle security systems through an aftermarket scan tool is set to launch.

The National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) , which plays a key role in ensuring access to OE service information, has announced that its aftermarket scan tool verification program is set to launch in as soon as 45-60 days, says the organization.

Once in place, Vehicle Security Professionals (VSPs) in the U.S. and Canada will need a NASTF VSP ID to use an aftermarket scan tool to perform security functions including:

  • Add a key
  • All keys lost
  • Immobilizer functions
  • Any other process that the OE determines to be security related.

A key reason for introducing the aftermarket scan tool verficiation program is to combat scan tool theft; there have been reported cases of shops and mobile repairers being robbed at gunpoint by criminals looking to use stolen scan tools to steal vehicles.

A webinar for  Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) in May 2023 by Chris Chesney, VP Training and Organizational Development at Repairify (and NASTF board member) talked about how criminal behaviour is putting professionals at risk.

“Vehicle theft today is at an all time high. It’s higher than any time in the last 14 years. And the result of that, or the cause of that, is due to all the safety and emissions systems that we put on board the vehicle. We’ve created this really complex machine.

“In fact, the most common automobile off the showroom floor today is the most complex machine on the planet. It has more processing power than Elon Musk’s rockets. It has more processing power than the most sophisticated aircraft on the planet, the F 35 because of the diverse number of suppliers that you have to stitch all their systems together, the software on board requires 150 to 300 million lines of code to operate. And then within the next five to 10 years, Volkswagen predicts we’ll have a billion lines of code on level three vehicles.

“And you we’re asking you to work on those vehicles. So because of those safety systems, we’ve created this complex machine that only the smart IT people or hackers can activate or influence or repair. And because of that, hackers are out there making their way into these automobiles at a rapid rate.

“And we are seeing vehicle security professionals. These are bonded people that are licensed to do locksmith work or security work on vehicles. You may have LSID holders in your business. VSP professionals are being hijacked, shot at, their vehicles being stolen so that the thieves can get access to the scan tool technology to be able to cut new keys program key fobs and steal vehicles.”

The voluntary scan tool verficiation program–which OEM tool suppliers are said to have signed onto as well as aftermarket tool manufacturers–is designed to combat theft due to the multi-factor authentication requirement.

Service professionals will be responsible for verifying the identity of the vehicle owner, but will not be required
to fill out a D1 form, aka an Authorization for Automotive Key Generation and/or Immobilizer System / Anti-Theft Services form. 

The tool and NASTF will take care of this process behind the scenes.

Toolmakers have the capability to offer both online and offline functionality.

NASTF recommends that service professionls who do not have a VSP ID should apply as soon as possible to avoid any potential interruption of the business.

VSP and SDM information is available HEREt

1 Comment

  1. Corey d.

    No, won’t reduce car theft at all, this will just raise costs for the consumer. It’s about control and money. Show me one thing mandated by any government or even private agency such as the NASTF in the last 100 yrs that has affected or changed something or prevented some problem that actually helped and also did not raise costs for the consumer.


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